Hello World!! ..again..

So its been a few years since I last blogged and thought its time to start blogging again.

Its been a pain to figure out how I wanted to blog as there is wordpress, flatfile blogs and static site generators - seemingly hundreds of them. 

I am writing this inside a Publii appimg. Publii is a static site generator that has WYSIWYG editor - I am hoping this will make it easier to get images and text flowing right.

Publii is 'installed' on your local machine does its thing to generate a website and then syncs to your webserver (this I am yet to set up) 

I have yet to locate the spellchecker... 

My hope is that I can get the generated content to be exported to a simlink to my web-server public html folder via a network folder dolphin in KDE. 

Lets see if this works, if you are reading this, it has  

This article was updated on Friday, 11 March 2022
